| ||| Note on a Passage in Fourier''s Heat. From the Cambridge Mathematical Journal, Volume III, November 1841. (pdf, англ.) - 110 Kб. A Mathematical Theory of Magnetism. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. J. H. Joult and W. Thomson. On the Termal Effests of Fluid in Motion. On the Electro-dynamic Properties of Metals. On the Theory of the Electric Telegraf. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1854-55, pp.282-399. (pdf, англ.) - 1,41 Mб. On Peristaltic Induction of Electric Currents Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1856, pp.121-132. (pdf, англ.) - 987 Kб. Elements of a Mathematical Theory of Elastisity Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1856, Vol.146, pp.481-498. (pdf, англ.) - 3,69 Mб. Dinamical Illustrations of the Magnetic and the Helicoidal Rotatory Effects of Transparent Bodes on Polarized Light. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1856, pp.150-158. (pdf, англ.) - 841 Kб. Исправления. Т.7 (1854-55 гг.) и т.8 (1856-57 гг). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1856, (pdf, англ.) - 61 Kб. On Practical Methods for rapid Signalling by the Electric Telegraph. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1856, pp.299-307. (pdf, англ.) - 890 Kб. By William Thomson. On the Reduction of Observations of Underground Temperature; with Application to Professor Forbes''''s Edinburgh Observations, and the continued Galton Hill Series. Phil. Mag. 1861, V.XXII. (pdf, англ.). W. Thomson and Fleeming Jenkin. On the True and False Discharge of a Coiled Electric Cablе. Phil. Mag. 1861, V.XXII. стр.202-211. (pdf, англ.). - 454 Кб. By W. Thomson. Physical Consideration Regading the Possyble Age of the Sun''s Heat, Phil. Mag. 1862, V.XXIII. Cтр. 158-160. (pdf, англ.). - 238 Кб. Dynamical Problems regarding Elastic Spheroidal Shells and Spheroidals Incompressible Liquid. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1863, Vol.163, pp.583-616. (pdf, англ.) - 4,58 Mб. On the Ultramundane Corpuscles of Le Sage. From Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. Vol. vn. 1872, pp. 577-589. Read Dec. 18, 1871. (mht, англ.) - 270 Kб. Лорд Кельвин о вихревом движении. The Available Energy of Nature. Popular Science Monthly Volume 20, November 1881. (mht, англ.) - 251 Kб. Stability of Fluid Motion. Rectilineal Motion of Viscous Fluid between two Parallel Planes. (continued from the May and June numbers). Phil. Mag. 1887, V.XXIV, стр. 188-196. (djvu, англ.). - 203 Кб. Stability of Fluid Motion. Broad River flowng down an Inclined Plane Bed. (continued from the May, June and August numbers). Phil. Mag. 1887, V.XXIV, стр. 272-278. (djvu, англ.). - 187 Кб. On tlte Propagation of Laminar Motion tthrugh a turbulently moving Inviscid Liquid. Phil. Mag. 1887, V.XXIV, стр. 342-353. (djvu, англ.). - 312 Кб. On the Division of Space with Minimum Partitional. Phil. Mag. 1887, V.XXIV, стр. 503-514. (djvu, англ.). - 286 Кб. The Sun''s Heat. Popular Science Monthly Volume 31, May 1887. (mht, англ.) - 255 Kб. On Cauchy''s and Green''s Doctrine of Extraneous Force to explain dynamically Fresnel''s Kinematics of Double Refraction. Phil. Mag. 1888, V.XXV, стр. 116-130. (djvu, англ.). - 314 Кб. . On the Reflexion and Refraction of Light. Phil. Mag. 1888, V.XXVI, стр. 414-425. (djvu, англ.). - 287 Кб. Account of his Christian faith. From the annual meeting of the Christian Evidence Society. 23 May 1889. (mht, англ.) - 240 Kб. Lord Kelvin. Nineteenth Century Clouds over the Dynamical Theory of Heat and Light. Phil.Mag. 1901. v.2(ser.6). №2. Стр. 1-40. (pdf, djvu, англ.). Molecular Dynamics of a Crystal. By Lord Kelvin. Phil. Mag. 1902 г. Стр.138-157. (pdf, англ.) - 871 Кб. On the Weights of Atoms. By Lord Kelvin. Phil. Mag. 1902 г. Стр.176-197. (pdf, англ.) - 1,08 Mб. On the Weights of Atoms.(Conciuded from page 198.). By Lord Kelvin. Phil. Mag. 1902 г. Стр.280-301. (pdf, англ.) - 993 Кб. ----------------------------------------- На главную. | |||
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