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Stanford University, Stanford, California.
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(Received March 28, 1950).
(pdf, англ.). - 653 Кб. Hofstadter Robert and McAllister R. W. Electron Scattering from the Proton.
DePartment of Physics and High Energy Physics Labor-atory,
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Physical Review v.98, №1, pp.217-218, (1955).
(Received January 24, 1955).
(pdf, англ.). - 201 Кб. McAllister R. W. and Hofstadter R. Elastic Scattering of 188-Mev Electrons from the Proton and the Alpha Particle.
Department of Physics and High Zn-ergy Physics Laboratory'' Stanford University, Stanford, Cahfornea.
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(Received January 25, 1956).
(pdf, англ.). - 616 Кб. Chamberst E. E. and Hofstadter R. Structure of the Proton.
DePartrnent of Physics and High Ene-rgy Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California.
Physical Review v.103, September 1, pp.1454-619, (1956).
(Received April 2, 1956).
(pdf, англ.). - 945 Кб.


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