О Лодже.
Википедия http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B6 On Action at a Distance, and tIle Conservation of Energy.
Phil. Mag. 1881, Vol. XI. Стр.529-534. (djvu, англ.). - 172 Кб. On the Identity of Energy: in connection with Mr. Poynting''s Paper on the Transfer of Energy in am Electromagnetic Field; and on the. two Fundamental Forms of Energy.
Phil. Mag. 1885, Vol. XIX. Стр.482-486. (pdf, англ.). - 1,86 Mб. The Stream-lines of Moving Vortex-rings.
Phil. Mag. 1885, Vol. XX, стр. 67-70. (pdf, англ.). - 900 Кб. Sequel to Paper on the Seat of the Electromotive Forces in a Voltaic Cell, Theories оf Wiedеmаnn and of Helmholtz.
Phil. Mag. 1885, Vol. XX, стр. 372-382. (pdf, англ.). - 969 Кб. On the Theory of Lightning-Conductors.
Phil. Mag. 1888, Vol. XXVI, стр. 217-230. (djvu, англ.). - 292 Кб. On Electric Radiation and its Concentration by Lenses.
Phil. Mag. S. 5. 1889, Vol. 28. Стр.48-65. (djvu, англ.). - 433 Кб. The Rotation of the Plane of Polarization of light by the Discharge of a Leyden Jar.
Phil. Mag. S. 5. 1889, Vol. 29. Стр.339-349. (djvu, англ.). - 200 Кб. Aberration Problems: a Discussion concerning- the Connexion between Ether and Matter, and the Motion of the Ether near the Earth.
1892 г. (pdf, англ.). Experiments on the Absence of Mechanical Connection-between Ether and Matter.
1897 г. (pdf, англ.). The Density of the Ather.
Phil. Mag. 1907 г., Том.13, сер.6, стр. 488-506. (djvu, англ.) - 500 Кб. Note on the AEther and on the Hypothetical Magnetic Flow.
Phil. Mag. 1907 г., Том.13, сер.6, стр. 727. (djvu, англ.) - 29 Кб.
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