Aberration Problems:
a Discussion concerning - the Connexion
between Ether and Matter,
and the Motion of the Ether
near the Earth.
By Oliver .Lodge, F.R.S.,
Professor of Physics, University
College, Liverpool. (pdf, англ.). Abstract.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1892, v.51. pp.98-101. - 544 Kб.
Received March 31, 1892. Часть 1.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1893, стр. 727-753. - 4,22 Мб.
Received and Read March 31, 1892.—Revised July 17, 1893. Часть 2.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1893, стр. 754-785. - 4,97 Мб.
Received and Read March 31, 1892.—Revised July 17, 1893. Часть 3.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1893, стр. 786-804. - 5,01 Мб.
Received and Read March 31, 1892.—Revised July 17, 1893. Вся статья.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1893, стр. 544-804. - 13,51 Мб.
Received and Read March 31, 1892.—Revised July 17, 1893.


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