| ||| А.К.1, Simonf M.D.2, Boamfa М.I.1, Heflingerf L.О.2. Magnet levitation at your fingertips. 1 High Field Magnet Laboratory, University of Nijmegen, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2 UDepartment of Physics and Astronomy University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA. Nature Vl 400| 22 July 1999. www.nature.com (pdf, англ.). - 143 Кб. Scott B. William. To the Stars. Zero point energy emerges from realm of science fiction,may be key to deep-space travel. Austin, TEX. Aviation Week & Space Technology. March 1, 2004. www.AviationNow.com/awst (pdf, англ.). - 297 Кб. ---------------------------------------------- На главную. | |||
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