Preston, Samuel Tolver. On some Dynamical Conditions applicable to Le Sage''s Theory of Gravitation.
Philosophical Magazine 1877, ser.4 206-213.
(mht, англ.). - 256 Kб. On some Dynamical Conditions applicable to Le Sage''s Theory of Gravitation, No. II.
Philosophical Magazine 1877, ser.4: 364-375.
(mht, англ.). - 284 Kб. Application of the Kinetic Theory of Gases to Gravitation. No. III.
Philosophical Magazine 1878, №III v.5: 117-127.
(mht, англ.). - 261 Kб. The Bearing of the Kinetic Theory of Gravitation on the Phenomena of "Cohesion" and "Chemical Action," together with the important connected Inferences regarding the existence of Stores of Motion in Space. No. IV.
Philosophical Magazine 1878, №IV v.5: 278-311.
(mht, англ.). - 280 Kб. A Suggestion in regard to Crystallization.
Philosophical Magazine. 1880. ser.5: v.9(56) 267-271.
(mht, англ.). - 237 Kб. On Action at a Distance.
Philosophical Magazine. 1881. ser.5: 38-39.
(mht, англ.). - 241 Kб. On the Importance of Experiments in relation to the Mechanical Theory of Gravitation.
Philosophical Magazine 1881, 5th series v.11(69): 391-393.
(mht, англ.). - 239 Kб. Comparative Review of some Dynamical Theories of Gravitation.
Philosophical Magazine 1895, 5th series v.39(237): 145-159.
(mht, англ.). - 278 Kб.


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